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Injured Goldfish- please help

23 16:53:50

Hello Darryl,
I have a white asian influence fantail goldfish with a bulbous orange head and
white body. (Lionhead/ Oranda??) It is about 5 inches long and 3 years old.  I
recently purchased a smaller calico fantail which yesterday began bullying my
"Spot."  I took the calico back to the store but this morning Spot's head is
horriblly swollen to the point that an area of his ridges are flapping.  There is
a bump about the size of a dime and the loose flapping area is within that
bump.   I have placed salt and stress coat in the tank but since there are other
fish with him, I hesitate to dose with medicine - and if I did , which medicine?  
Water changes? 48-49 gallon tank, relatively newly established.
Thanks for your time- I realy appreciate this.
Marietta, Georgia

Hey Carol,

For what appears to just be a physical wound, I'd treat with an aloe product. Tea Tree Oil is another commonly used treatment, but I prefer aloe, because i have it growing naturally near my apartment. If you have an aloe plant, juice a leaf and mix it in with a 10% water change. If not, find either pimafix or melafix (I forget which one has aloe) and use as directed. IF he doesn't look better within a few days, then try to isolate him in a separate tank for further treatment. Continue with normal water changes and cleanings, just be careful not to bonk him any more, or handle him roughly (forcefully netting him, bouncing him around, etc).

Best of luck, and hope he's okay!