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Re: Need Help Beginner

23 16:48:03


i got a starter kit aquariam tank with the basic equipment a filter,ich medicince and aquasafe and was set up at the fish shop Day 1. i overfed my fish cause i am still new at this, the water became cloudy, and informed my aquarists he advised me to change the water and add aquasafe (water conditioner), and not to feed the fish for two days. Day 2 after work i found one fish dead after an hour another this was before i did the water change, this was in the cloudy water, this is when i started doing my water change. first i drained the tank half way and left the fish inside, second i used two 5liter bottles and added half a tablespoon of aquasafe in the two bottles, let it stand for 5minutes and added it to the tank, probably after an hour the fish starting acting frantically coming up for air later that evening all of them died and only one was left in the morning.

Hi Helen...
I am surprised the pet store didn't tell you not to add any fish until the tank has cycled?
Those fish died from ammonia poisoning.
The cloudy water was ammonia building up from fish waste.
Cycling a tank means that when ammonia is created by fish waste, then bacteria grows in the tank (good bacteria), and that helps to remove the ammonia so fish can live.
There is a product sold called Bio Spira.
You fill the tank, add the Bio Spira, test your water for ammonia, and when the ammonia reaches down to zero, it is safe for fish.
You need to get a good test kit so you can test your water each day.
If you cannot find Bio Spira, you can try Stress Zyme.
It doesn't cycle as fast as Bio Spira, but maybe after 3 weeks the tank will be ready for fish.
If I can help with anything else, please ask. In the meantime, you should ask for your money back for the fish and tell the store owner that you now know about cycling a tank before adding fish.