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my lovely parrott fish

23 16:48:03

hi karen,
thank you very much for your quick response last time.un-fortunately there is no improvement.he has been in his house upside down for over two months now,he is still feeding everyday.he has only been out to say hello two times which he finds very difficult keeping his balance.the swelling to the rear of his belly is still there(no change).when i e-mailed you last time i had already given him several different treatments,and tried the defrosted thinking this must be a tuma of some sort!!is it time to put him to rest now as he doesnt seem to be having much of a life????
many thanks

Dear Christine,
I can't imagine what you must be going through! The poor Parrot fish... Sometimes these things happen with fish, they can certainly develop tumors and that really does sound like what your parrot has. I can't tell you when you should put him down as that must be your decision entirely.

If you think it's time, the humane way to put fish to sleep is by using a fish anesthetic much like dogs and cats are put down, by an overdose of anesthetic. It's called the "Oil of Cloves method" and you can read about it here-

If you can, highlight the above link and copy and paste it into your search box. If it doesn't work, type in look under "CARE" at the top and click "Health" there you can find the euthanasia         information. Sometimes this website has trouble working but if you can get it to work it is worth it.

I'm really sorry about all this but I hope this helps,
Karen~ best wishes!