Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pictus catfish with a lot of white spots all his body

Pictus catfish with a lot of white spots all his body

23 16:23:52

i have a few pictus catfish in a 300 gal tank and one of them have white spots all over its body, some people told me to add Aqaurium salt , turn up the heat and add ick meds. i have salt right now , and i added a little to the tank, but i have 2 large Oscars, 2 large pink Kissing Gouramis, a medium size Jack Dempsey and 2 more pictus catfish and some algae eater and a pleco.... need advise
i don't have a another tank for hime to be quarintined in

Hi Josh,
Poor catfish. Sounds like he does have ick. You should look at this article which explains ich and its treatment and also includes a picture of a Loach with ich-

I think you have taken all the right steps as far as ich treatment so far. All you can do is try your best and let me know if you have anymore questions!

Best wishes!