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plec worry

25 9:07:08

hello karen,
           ive had my leopard pleco for about 18 months and there's been no problems, but for a few weeks now his skin looks odd, it looks patchy, like its shedding,this cant be normal can it? he is still very active and his appatite is huge as always, he is 7 inches long, my water is perfect. thanx for your time

Dear Steve,
I'm really not sure what exactly could be wrong with your Leopard Pleco. But a patchy appearance and shedding like you described with other fish is usually related to something that is wrong with their water quality. Even though you said your water was perfect. There could be something in it you missed or perhaps your water tests were wrong or inaccurate? In healthy aquariums- your ammonia and nitrite should always be ZERO. And nitrate should be 20 or less.

I would definately start doing daily 50% water changes including plenty of gravel vacummings and filter cleanings (only in old tank water) always insure to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and dechlorinate it everytime with a good water conditioner like Amquelplus or Prime. Do these water changes until your Pleco recovers. He should with time.

Feel free to write with anymore concerns.
I wish you only the best with your Leopard Pleco!