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hagen sponge

23 16:02:04

Hello April
On my last question thank you for your thorough response. You told me about the hagen sponge which i would like to use instead of the expensive replacement cartridges,I looked all over since you suggested it and could not find it all week but luckily today i found a hagen laguna foam sponge.
i am wondering is it the right one?. Its big so i could get 2 when i cut it down for my emperor 400 filter,It seemed a bit thick but am not sure if it supposed to be that thick.It also was priced at 21.99 which i no it would be cheaper in the long run.Do you think its the hagen sponge you suggested to me?.
Thank you very much,

Hi Trevor,

I have never heard of that one and not sure of what it is.  $21.99 is a bit excessive for a sponge, if you can return it, I would.  Here is what I would get:


You can cut it down but they come in a wide variety of sizes so you should be able to get one that's pretty close.  This is all I use in one of my hang on filters for a livebearer fry tank that I run.

Good luck : ) April M.