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white fugal growth?possible septicemia?

23 16:09:42

I have recently moved to a new house and have had to move my 30 gallon aquarium.The aquarium had to be drained so I lost all my cycling progress.I have refilled it and used water conditioner.I have not added my fish yet to the tank  because the water appears to be cloudy.I have a Marineland 350 magnum canister filter running on it (which is new).I have not added any chemicals that contain beneficial bacteria colonies.I decided to replace the gravel with new also.Any suggestions will help,

ANSWER: Hi Sarah: I would add a triple dose of beneficial bacteria to your new tank and then let it run... what are you fish living in??? dave

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QUESTION: My fish had been living in a temporary 10 gallon aquarium with the filter for the 30 gallon.The water conditions on both tanks were excellent.I tried using the canister filters polishing cartridge which is supposed to make the water clearer and it worked nicely.Just yesterday however I noticed that one of my fish(lionhead goldfish) has been having trouble swimming to the top of the aquarium.She looks a tad bit bloated and I haven't seen her pooping.She also seems to have trouble balancing herself and will occasionally swims slanted.I've been reading up on swim bladder problems and fish constipation but I'm not sure what exactly is causing her to have trouble swimming up.She seems to have a good apetite.I feed her sinking hikari lionhead mini pellets.Shes had problems swimming before only that time she couldn't swim downward so I fed her peas and she got better.I'm going to try feeding her peas tomorrow.I'll take your advise about the beneficial bacteria dosing.Any treatment or diagnosing suggestions will help greatly,

ANSWER: I would change her diet to brine shrimp for a few days and see if the bloating goes down.  Even though fish are in water... pellets are very dry and fish who eat pellets exclusively can get intestinal blockages.   If this doesn't work for her let me know and we will go from there... dave

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(sorry to bug you again)I took another look at her today and I noticed that she is starting to get very small blood streaks on her caudal fin and has a white growth on the side of her face.I put her in my ten gallon hospital tank with a Jungle Lab fungus clear tank buddies tablet and some aquarium salt.After I put her in the white growth seemed to disappear.Will jungle lab cure her or should I use a stronger more effective medicine?Does she have a fungal infection/problem or septicemia?any suggestions will help.thanks for the help so far I appreciate it greatly :)

Hello again... What you are witnessing is an immune system that is getting weaker.  The weaker it becomes the more disease like symptoms  you are going to see appear.  The jungle brand medication is good for what is going on with her at the moment.  What you want to do is to boost her immune system and the easiest way you can do that is through diet.  Brine shrimp and tubi-flex worms that are either fresh or frozen will help her a great deal.  The blood streaks in her caudal fin is probably caused by poor water conditions or even a toxin that is not tested for in aquarium.  I see this a lot in goldfish and koi and sometimes in betta fish.  She is also probably a bit stressed out... so try not to move her anytime soon.  The new diet will help perk up her attitude while bolstering her immune system.  Add some aquarium salt to her water if you have not done so already.  keep me posted... dave