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Plastic Polish

23 17:03:18

2 Gallon acrylic tank, with one Betta. I experimented with live plants and decided to to back to plastic. Unable to get the gravel clean, I drained all the water and rinsed out the gravel well. I put a little unrinsed gravel in a mesh bag and I reused the filter cartridge. While I had the tank empty, I cleaned off all the stubborn alge spots with the rough side of  sponge. I refilled the tank, now I have horrible scuff marks all over.
If I empty the the tank again, can I use Novus 2 Plastic Polish? Is it toxic? I would need to use it, rinse the tank, and immediatly put the Betta back in.
How would you proceed?  


You should never use anything to clean your aquarium except water. I am sorry that your tank got scuffed up, but it may be irreversible now. The best way to get algae spots off the tank is to clean them off with a gentle sponge and much patience. There are some scrubbing pads that are thinner and that don't scratch glass, and they are much better to use then rough dish sponges.

I hope this helps.
