Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Angels/Loaches


23 16:07:47

QUESTION: Hi.  I recently upgraded to a 20 gallon from a 10.  I moved my 3 clown loaches, 3 neon tetras, a golden Chinese algae eater and a couple of others which I can't readily identify by name. One looks like an orange molly and the other is a shiny orange fish. Anyway, when I changed tanks I added 2 smoky veil angel fish and a betta.  I have had bettas before and they were fine with other fish, and the loaches have always been very friendly. But something has happened and the angels are getting de-finned.  I believe the loaches are some of the culprits. I thought it was the betta, but I see the loaches nipping at the betta too, so maybe he's just getting freaked out from being picked at.  What would cause this and how do I protect the angels?  I don't really want to get rid of all my loaches; they are strange and funny fish.  I notice 2 loaches have lighter stripes and one is darker. Would the darker be a male?  Could they be protecting eggs?  What can I do?  I hate to see the angels getting picked to death. What I've read made it sound like angels were the agressive ones but they seem friendly so far. Thanks.

Angelfish for the most part, are quite peaceful calm fish, but they can be aggressive when they want to be. Its a shame yours are so fin-nipped. I'm wondering if maybe its not so much your loaches but the Chinese Algae eater. These fish are notorious for annoying fish. He may even do it at night when you're not around to see. But again, I'm not eliminating the loaches completely. Have you thought about the two other fish you can't identify? Its very possible they might be the culprits too. Remember it often happens that fish aggression will occur when you aren't around to see. It'd help if we could identify these fish. Could you send in pictures?

It's quite an unusual situation and I'm afraid if your angels continue to keep getting picked at they will have a difficult time regrowing their fins and they could be open to bacterial infections. You'll have to move either of the fish into a separate tank or get rid of the offending fish. :(

I hope we can figure out the situation here!
Best of luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The only ones I have seen chasing the angelfish are the loaches, the betta and the shiny orange fish.  The other orange one is an orange platy I believe. And I just found the name of the shiny orange fish - it's a rosy barb. I had no idea it was a barb. They are generally aggressive, aren't they?  My husband bought it and brought it home, but it was always more spastic than aggressive. I even saw one of the loaches going after the barb this evening. Can a loach actually pull the fins out of another fish with those sucker faces? I have never seen this algae eater bother anyone or anyone bother it.  I just don't know what to do with anyone I take out of the tank. I don't have another place for anyone except the betta.  If they are doing it at night, do you suppose that might mean it's the loaches since they are nocturnal?  They have been acting strange lately, too, sitting on the bottom right near some rocks near the front of the tank, and they'd rub on each other and stuff, so I thought maybe they were laying eggs, but they are always being weird anyway so I just figured they were being loaches.  (Just now the betta was following the angel fish while one of the loaches was following the betta!) What's a mom to do?

Hi Ann,

Ah, the rosy barb could indeed at least helped out with the angel fin mutilations.  Rosy barbs can be quite boisterous fish especially if not kept in groups of minimum 6 so they have other individuals to occupy their time with. This holds true for many barb species.

Loaches are definitely capable of fin-nipping. It just feels odd blaming them because I've never heard of Clown loaches being so pushy. But what you see does make it obvious they are probably the main ones nipping the angels. Its also possible the angels are nipping each-other too on occasion. Angelfish can be territorial and aggressive at times towards one another. The betta may be doing his fare share as well.

Unfortunately there is not much you can do besides give away the loaches or the angels. Petstores might take them back. I know this is something you'll feel really bad doing but sometimes its absolutely necessary.

I wish you the best and have a good weekend!