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Tail Ragged

23 15:55:48

QUESTION: I have a 10 gallon tank, with a Serpae Tetra and one Guppy. My Guppy's tail is ragged, and the Serpae Tetra seems to be chasing it all the time. Why is this happening?


Serpae Tetras are schooling fish, and must be kept in groups of 4 or more. If you keep them in pairs or singly, they will become slightly aggressive and nip at other fishes' fins. If you want to keep Serpae Tetras, you will have to remove the Guppy, (and add 3 Serpae Tetras). You will have to remove the Guppy because 4 Serpae Tetras already puts your tank into the maximum 'stocking capacity'.

If you prefer Guppies over Serpae tetras, you could return the one Tetra, and get some more peaceful fish, such as Other Guppies, Corydoras Catfish, Neon Tetras, etc.

In the future, you can reduce aggression by putting in live plants, or some rock structures.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Since your response, I've decided to return the Serpae Tetra. I've looked at some of the fish you mentioned at my local fish store, and I particularly like the Corydoras Catfish. Could I keep one with my Guppy, and possibly two?

Hi Nathaniel,

Yes, you'll be happy to hear that you can most certainly keep Corydoras Catfish with Guppies! Cories are one of my favorite freshwater fish out there, and they have great personalities! You could definitely keep two in your tank, and if you want, you can even keep three! (They like having a partner or group).

Remember, you'll have to buy a sinking bottom feeder pellet food for them, or make sure that your current food sinks to the bottom so that they can get it.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!