Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > amonia level in fresh water 10G tank

amonia level in fresh water 10G tank

25 9:15:46

Have maintained 5g tank for over 1 yr. with no amonia problem. Switched to 10g tank 1 month ago. Used water from previously stable 5g tank and added treated water to fill new 10g tank. Amonia level will not go down. Am using "AMMO LOCK" to detoxe. After 2 wk. use, required 1 quarter water change for safety of fish as indicated on AMMO directions. Amonia just won't go down. Tank has 2 Tiger Barbs, 3 Rosey Barbs, 2 Black Finned Sharks. Everybody is under three inches. Have lost the balance I had in the five g tank. Help!!! Don't know what else to try. Not over-feeding. Tank bottom does not have much waste. Running 2 AquaClear filter systems for 5-20 gallon tank. Too much filtering? Any info  to solve problem and save fish would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you!!!

Hi Sandy,
It's not from over filtering. Probably just an adjustment problem. You don't need the AminoLock or any chemical treatments. Use organic biology (friendly bacteria) to bring the tank under control. Follow the "emergency care" procedures at the bottom of the page:
Keep the bacteria in the refrigerator after you open the bottle.
Write back if you experience further problems.