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aquatic snails?

25 9:17:00

Hi Karen

I have the opportunity to take in some aquatic snails leftover from a biology lab at school.  Before I add them in with our bettas, I am seeking your advice.  Should I quarantine the snails to see if they have any disease?  I don't want the snails to reproduce and overrun our aquariums - is there any guarantee to prevent this?  I'd like to give the snails a home.  We can keep them in their own aquarium, if necessary, but it would be nice to have them clean up the bettas' tanks.

Thanks for your help.


Hello Rachel,
You shouldn't have to quarantine snails. They can overpopulate an aquarium but depending on the species, not all will. Common pond and ramhorn snails are famous for overpopulating an aquarium. It can be hard to prevent this but not allowing an overabundance of food can help. And keeping a Botia loach which will consume snails is also beneficial. Otherwise your snails should be happy to live in the betta aquariums and should help keep algae and some waste under control. As long as you don't give them too much food, they usually stay in a decent number as to not overpopulate your tanks.
I'm glad you rescued them! a million cheers to you! ;-)

I really hope this helps!
If you have anymore questions as always feel free to email me....

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!