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fish overload

23 16:43:53

I had two tanks both were 29 gallons.  Today I found that one of my tanks sprung a leak.  So I promptly removed all of my fish and put them in the other tank.  I know the consequences of overcrowding on such short notice.  It is usually is a death sentence.  I am wondering how I can overt the ick and disease outcome.  Please help me save my fish.  They are freshwater, typical, guppies, swordtails, 3 loach, 1 giant algae eater (I forget the type) mollies (well you get the picture)


Hi Kimberly
You don't have an ich or disease problem now currently right?  And, I assume you'll be getting a new tank soon :) ?
If that's the case, just be sure to do frequent water changes, vacuum the gravel/substrate good too.  If it's badly overstocked, I would do water changes twice a week, about 25-30% each time.  Don't overfeed, only feed once a day what'll they'll eat in a few minutes, and net out any uneaten food.  That'll help cut down on ammonia build up from the food and the waste.  Don't use salt in the tank with the loaches and algae eater(if it's a pleco variety?).  And just monitor your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to make sure they don't go out of whack.  If they do, just add another water change into the mix.  The overcrowding is stressful to fish, but keeping the water quality good during that time will really help preventing diseases.

Good luck and hope that helps!
