Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > poor little guy. :O(

poor little guy. :O(

23 17:01:17

Well umm, my fish...i am not sure what he is, but hes blue and kinda tropical looking. My friend was mean to him and didnt want him so i took him in, he had a buddy but it died...he looked kinda depressed so when i went to this carnaval i wone some goldfish to keep him company and at first he didnt like them and then i saw that he got use to them. But today when i woke up i noticed he was kinda swimming funny. I dont know weather the gold fish are beating him up or he sick. He has like big lumps in like his stomach and around his fins. On one side i think the lump is like keeping one fo his fins from helping him swim correctly but he can still move it alittle. It also kinda looks like around his fin he lost his blue scales or something. its not that big of a spot but thats just what it looks like. Do you have any suggestions on helping me please tell me, he dose not look so well. thank you.


Depending on what the lumps look like it could be a couple different things. If the lumps look fleshy, then it is likely a tumour. Tumours must clear up on their own, they can not be cured. If the lumps look like 'cauliflower' or white cottony clumps, then it is a fungus. Fungus are much more common then tumours so this is likely the case.

If it is a fungus you can treat it with a couple different things. Pimafix is a good, natural cure. Maroxy also is a good product. Both should be available at most fish supply stores.

I hope this helps.
