Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Dropsy


23 16:43:09

I saw your article on dropsy and I totally agree!  I refuse to euthanise my fish, I am determined to save him.    I started out with maracyn 2 and was thinking that I needed to use Maracyn with it just because nothing is clear.  However i have begun using General Cure and Furan because they treat everything and can be used together.  The first day of this combination, I noticed a difference.  He seems a little more active, not staying at the bottom.  But he won't eat. and i have been doing the salt and privacy thing also.  At any rate, what suggestions do you have?  I don't notice a pinecone look.  I just notice a swelling.  I started treating immediately.  Although, I have read that when you notice symptoms, its too late.   He's hanging in there.  He's NOT pineconing.  Just swollen.  Please give me exact instructions on how YOU would have done it if you got a second chance.  I am also guessing my temp is too high i have @ 85 degrees.  I heard read increasing the temp can increase the speed of the cycle for some diseases and is not always good.  Sorry so long!!!  PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hi Lydia,
Wow, this is going to be difficult. Because we can't be for certain if your fish actually has dropsy. It could be any of the possible things that can cause fish to swell. Such as constipation, egg-binding, ect.. But just in case, it wouldn't hurt to treat.

I found info from "" about Dropsy and diagnoses that was interesting--
  One of these situations may be the culprit:

   * Accute Dropsy: Sudden swelling: A bacterial infection will cause internal bleeding.
   * Chronic Dropsy: Slow swelling: Growing tumors, or even parasites, in the fish may cause it to swell.
   * Chronic Dropsy: Slow swelling: Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Highly contageous!
   * Other unknown causes, such as a virus, or permanent damage to the fish's internal organs. Damage to kidneys can occur due to over-use of medication or use of too strong of medication.

All you can do is try your best in treating with an Antibacterial. Maracyn-two is actually recommended for treating dropsy as it is designed to be absorbed through the skin. And Maracyn-two is claimed to work even with fish that won't eat or you could try Maracyn and Maracyn-Two combined for strong medications. Using epsom salt may help also. You've probably already been doing that.
Also keep up with water changes as best you can. Clean water is extremely important for any disease treatment!

Also, read this article on Dropsy:

I can't guarantee any of this will really cure your fish. It's very uncertain and I wish I could tell you a 100% guaranteed cure but it just doesn't exist.

Just keep the medications going, keep up with daily large water changes, keep him warm (cooler temps will make him weak), and hope for the best!

Best of luck!!! I'm glad you are trying to save the little fish!!