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balloon molly

23 15:22:40

my balloon molly has been pregnant for about 50 - 60 days ,we recently put her in a 55 gal. tank in her birther.  she has been in a birther for 3 wks.  Since we put her in the new tank she keeps rubbing up against the birther. she also has a few scales standing out on her sides, don't know if this is because she is getting so fat or if there is something wrong with her.  Please help me.  don't want to lose her.

Shawna,   I am sorry to say your molly has dropsy. We can try but this is almost always fatal.  The first thing you are going to do is make a dechlorinated gallon of water with a tsp of Epsom salts and start soaking her for about 15 to 20 minutes. Try to do this at least 3-4 times a day. It is caused by an internal bacterial infection. Make sure you are siphoning your water when you clean your tank. She can be put back in the tank and medicated with everyone. Go to the shop get Tetracycline. Do not forget to take your filter carbon out. Treat for 7 days. It will not hurt your other fish. At this point it may help. She is pretty infected but, mollie's are fighters. After the medicating is done do a 45% water change and new filter's. I hope she makes it. The stress from the meds and soaks may cause her to birth so keep her in her fry tank when not soaking her. Good Luck, Tina