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convicts information

25 9:16:47

Dear Karen hows things
Well my convicts have breed again 2nd time, only thing is the last lot of young all got eaten (by the female I think) will this sort of thing happen all the time it looks like i will have to put the young into another tank how soon can i do this and will they survive by on their own
any tip would be great
         Cheers Gilly  

G'day Gilly,

Well, from what I know convict pairs may take several spawning tries with trial and error before they can get it right. I've heard some aquarists providing many hiding places for the fry but probably your best bet if you want to save them is to siphon them out with a large aquarium siphon tube or net them out if you can into another small aquarium with their own tank water and a airstone. You can do this most likely the same day the fry are hatched. Just be sure you can get enough frequent meals to them and keep their water clean. The fry should be just fine without the pair to look after them.

Perhaps you have a bad female? I guess she might just be a bad mother!! ;-) I really don't understand why the pair's spawning is failing. But I do know new pairs can take time to get it right and yours should do better with some time and trail and error.....

I'll ask around too and get back to you about other people whom have had the same problem.... ;-)

Cheers to you Gilly!

Best wishes,