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Severum Fish Diseases

23 16:51:47

my fish has grown these white contact sized thing on its eyes and he has this whte stuff( flakes or scales) all on his body. what is this disesase called and how do i treat it?

Hey Lilie,

It sounds like Ich to me. Ich is a protozoan infection that results in white "salt grain" looking spots and lumps all over the fins, body, head, lips, and gills. If the spots are very clustered in little patches, and looks more like a rash then individual spots, it's something completely different.

For ich, rid-ich is the best. It's fast, effective, and I've never lost a fish using it.

For the rash looking infection, It's a bacterial infection that you need tetracycline for. Treat as the box says for both, and within a few days you'll see improvement.

If you dont treat within a day or so, the infection will get to a point that's incurable.

Best wishes! and good luck