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Damaged wen on Oranda Goldfish

23 16:35:44


I have a large oranda goldfish that's over 2 years old. Today I noticed that his wen looks like it's "leaking", and pieces of the wen tissue are floating in the tank. When I applied some hydrogen peroxide on it using a Q-tip, more of it started flaking off. The fish seems fine and unaffected and is swimming happily. I've also noticed that he has a small reddish spot on his scales. What could this possibly be and how can I help my poor oranda!



Hi Irina;

He may have injured himself somewhere in the tank. It happens sometimes. Also, if he isn't alone be sure he isn't being bullied. Keep his water very clean to help avoid infection. I would make a series of 25% changes every couple of days until it looks like it's healing.

A couple of natural things that can help him heal is Melafix and Aquarium Salt. If he seems to develop larger reddish areas he may need antibiotics. Look for them at your local fish store. I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins