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sick fish/ healthy snails

23 16:43:13

I think my tropical fish are sick. Their fins and tails look "eaten". Looks like fin-rot. I do have two algae-eating snails in the tank. I changed 1/3 of my 7.5 gal aquarium water and added a few pellets of aquarium salt. Is aquarium salt safe for snails? How about meds such as Pimafix or Melafix? Any advice on medicine or do I have to separate the snails?  Do I keep them in a bowl of aquarium water? If they need to be separated, what is the best container for them? Do they need oxygen or just air? Do I have to maintain the temperature for them?  HELP!!! I know I'm asking a lot of questions but don't want to loose my snails. Thanks.

Hi Rita,
I wonder if your fish do have fin-rot? Fin rot is a bacterial infection fish can get that causes their fins to appear ragged and they may have reddened or dark edges. It is usually caused by dirty water conditions and may be brought upon by stress also.

For pictures of fin-rot look here:

The first and most important thing you should do is a thorough 50% water change on your tank. And you could try treating with Melafix and Pimafix. These two medications are designed to be used together and are safe even as a precaution. They should be safe for your snails.

I don't think you'll have to separate the snails. Just keep in mind snails put out a lot of waste and can dirty any aquarium very quickly so keep in mind the importance of large water changes during treatment and thereafter.

Aquarium salt is in fact -not- safe for snails and make sure to never expose them to it. I believe it burns their skin or something to that effect. You should be able to treat fin-rot without salt and just use the medications.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck with your fish and snails,