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chiclid digs

23 16:34:15

Hi Karen,
I had a chiclid before am somewhat familiar. I read alittle about the digging from what I understand the male
gets it clear for the female to lay eggs on a flat surface?
I don't have another in the tank I did and he stress her out in the bucket when I moved and she died. So do they do this on instinct anyway every 6 months it seems? Your going think I'm weird but my other loved it when I petted him. He was really cool.He would be real hyper unless I did. This one hides from me. Would be good to mix a clown chiclid with mine he's good size and I'm not interested in mating with others like him. I know they aren't good to mix with others because of their aggressiveness. That's why my algae eater is way bigger so he wouldn't bother him. Open to any suggestions.    Thanks very much for listening. Jeanette

Hi Jeanette,
It depends upon the species but most cichlids both the male and the female in a pair will often both take a part in clearing a spot as a spawning site.

Unfortunately, sometimes either one of the pair can turn aggressive towards each-other occasionally. It's just their nature. Its not weird at all that your other fish liked it when you petted him. Its common with many cichlids, but not all. Its nice because you know you have established a form of trust between your fish. Which is always nice.

The clown loach should be fine with the cichlid. Usually Clown loaches can get along well with most cichlids but as always, just keep a close watch on them and be ready to intervene if any aggression should develop where the loaches are being made miserable.

I really hope this helps and if you have anymore questions, feel free to write me!