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23 15:35:33

Hello Hollie, I'd like to ask if there are any types of ciclids that I can make a species tank.  I understand that ciclids need to be kept as one species?

I have a 30 gallon Rubbermaid tub and an over 40 gallon Rubbermaid tub which would have a heater/filter of course.  I was wondering if Keyhold Ciclids or Ram Ciclids would be fine in either of these 'tanks'?  Of course if there are any others, please let me know as I will explain the type of water we have.  It is hard and the PH is at 8.  Is it true that even if certain types of fish were aquarium bred in neutral water, could they adjust to harder water?  I do not want to change the chemistry or add salt by the way.  So far other fish I have are doing good in the harder water.

Thank you for your time.  If there is any other information you can share, I'd appreciate it.  I already have many tanks with fish and a 150 gallon livestock trough for some comet goldfish.  I've used the Rubbermaid tubs I mentioned as temporary homes for these pets but they're in storage now (the tubs, not the fish!).

Also, I was wondering about angelfish?  Do they need specialized conditions?  So many people seem to own them but perhaps they're not in the proper environment.


Paula, thank you for your question. First, I really would not suggest using a tub as a permanent home for any aquarium life. However, your hard water conditions do suggest cichlids, but only african ones, such as any breeds from Lake Malawi. South American cichlids like angelfish and rams thrive in softer, acidic water.  Even though some fish may survive living in the wrong PH this is not something to disregard: your fish will not thrive, will have a lower life expectancy, and ammonia is much more toxic at higher PH. I hope I have assisted you and any other questions you have, let me know.