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really sick tiger oscar

23 15:37:16


tiger oscar
I have a tiger Oscar that seems to have gotten really sick within 48 hours. I believe it has a fungus/bacterial infection.Two days ago it was very active and had an appetite and now it looks like it will die on me. My tiger Oscar seems to be the only one really infected out of the four fishes in the tank.

The temperature of the tank is set at 80 degrees. I have never fed feeder fishes to my cichlids. Only thing that goes in the tank is Hikari Cichlid Staple pellets and algae wafers; sometimes Hikari Gold pellets. The only thing I can think of that could have changed or contaminated the tank is that my fish sitter added Api stress coat and told me that she had spilled the algae wafers out of the bag while feeding and thought it wouldn't matter if she just picked up them up off the floor and still feed the tank with them.

My tiger Oscar 's body is covered in white/grey patches, the fins are clamped, and they seem to eaten away. I have attached a picture of my tiger Oscar.

I have done a water change, raised the temperature to about 85 degrees fahrenheit and added in something called fungus guard from the maker of Tetra. The active ingredients in it is nitrofurazone, furazolidone and potassium dichromate.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! I love my fishes and would like to try my best to save them.

Thank you so much for time.

Hi, I sent an answer to the other note, but with a second look, it could be Dropsy.  If so, the method of treatment I prescribe in the other letter would possibly help, but let's get the salt into his hospital tank ASAP!  Fungus or parasite - the salt is going to help.

Please feel free to write more if you need me.  I'm up til around midnight.
