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My fish are sick !!!!!

25 9:11:23

I have a 80 gallon tank.  I have 3 silver dollar fish, 1 gournami, 2 angel fish, 2 dwarf frogs, one of those alge suckers, 1 dragon golby and 2 tiger barbs.
My silver dollars all have blackish spots on them, that go and come. The spots are always there but the seam lighter at times.  My tiger barbs have black spots as well.  The larger of the two angel fish also has black spots.  Not sure whats going on but I need some help. I went to the pet store and they reccommended pimafix, so they are now on their 4 day of treatment.  Along with that I just noticed blackish looking worms floating in the tank.  The spots look like spots, the ones on the silver dollar's are round and the tiger barbs are kind of oval and my angel fish just looks like little tiny dots. I haven't did a water change only because the directions on the bottle say to wait until 7 days.  
They seam to be kind of out of it.  Not sure what's going on.

Hi Marci,
Thank you for your letter. Sounds like you may have an over feeding problem. If you feed more than one flake per square inch of fish per day, you may have polluted the water. The symptoms match over feeding.
I do not recommend chemical treatments. If the water is polluted, then you add chemicals, it does not usually help.
My holistic aquarium care page is posted here. Please read it and print it out for future reference. If you want to take the leap of faith, please buy a bottle of Cycle (friendly bacteria) and stop the chemical medicines. Follow the emergency care instructions at the bottom of the page:
Worst case scenario (don't want to go into that!) I encourage you to try again using my easy care instructions.