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white spots

23 16:14:34

Hi David, I have a tank of 5 feet length by 1.5 feet breath by 2.5 feet height in which i have silver sharks, neon tetras, lemon tetras, phantom tetras & 2" baby discuss, last week my silver shark and my phantom tetras are infected with white spots, to control the white spots, have put in salt in the water and have increased the temprature to 32degrees celcuis, with this my neons have gone pale this is the 3rd day that the white spots are still visible clearly on the silver sharks and phantom tetras, how do i take care of the neon tetras and is there any medication required to cure the white spots of my fish.

Awaiting your reply

Thanks and Regards
Mark Pereira

Hi Mark:  You can medicate the tank with super ich cure or another top brand of ICH medication.  The tetras are funny fish when it comes to medication and often require half doses of meds.  It is good that you have raised the temperature and added the salt.  I would increase their food and supplement their diet with brine shrimp, tubiflex worms and beef heart if you can get those.  The added food will help boost their immune system which will also help to fight off the disease.  Make sure you have enough oxygen in the water as warmer water holds less oxygen.  keep me posted... dave