Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > how?


23 16:24:24

QUESTION: how do u add more oxygen? it has cleared up a little bit... u were right

ANSWER: hi Kritika: ... to add oxygen to your tank you can do two things... you can purchase an air pump and air stone and put those in your tank... sometimes they are called bubblers... or you can drop your water level about an inch below the filter level (where the water runs out of your filter) and the cascading water into your tank will add oxygen.... what kind of filter do you have?


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QUESTION: i just have the standard kind of filter... it came with the aqauarium...

ANSWER: so that will can drop the water level about an inch... but I do recommend an air stone...dave

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QUESTION: i just noticed there is fungus on the fake plants in the aquarium as well as caked up on the thermometer inside the water? what would be the best way to treat it?

Hi Kritika:  take the fake plants and the thermometer out and soak them in a high dose of saltwater.  Let them sit for a few days and then clean them off and return them to the tank.  IN the meantime in your tank you will want to raise the temperature and add aquarium salt to the water... follow the instructions on the box.... Hope this helps... dave