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flighter fish

25 9:18:59

my fight fish suddenly has a really big stomach, and he cant even swim upto the top of water, he can only stay at the bottom of tank... and the stomoach looks like getting even bigger...
what is that disease abt? what can i do?
thx a lot for that


My fighting fish had this exact thing, and I have to say the outcome is not very good looking. It is probably dropsy, as fighting fish are more likely to get this. Other symptoms include swollen stomach, raised scales, listlessness and not eating. It is an internal infection and very difficult to cure.

If you would like to try to cure it, first make sure your fish is in a warm tank. If you keep your fish in a cold tank, there is a very slim chance of survival, if any at all. If he's in a warm tank, bring the temperature up a few degrees. When my first fighting fish had dropsy I used Maracyn two. It can be purchased at a pet store. It worked. However, the second time my betta was to weak and died.

So... act fast! Turn up the heat a little, buy some Maracyn 2 and add it as soon as possible!

Best Wishes!
From Stephanie