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23 15:26:26

Hi Susan I have a 50litre tank which house 4 small orandas and 1 small blackmoor with plants, filter and airstone. I would like to purchase something to keep glass clean on the inside of tank without attacking my beautiful entertaining playful fish. I have read sucker fish may turn on fish if not enough, is it algae, on the glass.I live in Australia. Could you help me please.

Hi there Wendy and thank you for the photo!  Your aquarium looks lovely :-)

If the temperature of the water rarely drops below 72 F or about 22 C I would recommend a group of otocinclus catfish. Or "Ottos" for short, they are also called 'Otto cats'
These are some of the smallest little sucker fish around. Rarely growing bigger than 1 inch.
They enjoy being in groups and behave much similar to their drastically larger cousins like the common plecostomus.
The Otto's only downfall is when first introduced to the aquarium they can be sensitive to the new environment and you may lose a few.

Another species I would highly recommend thats a bit hardier than the otto cats are Bristlenose Plecostomus. This species stays small, rarely growing larger than 4 or 5 inches. The males of this species have very interesting "bristles" or sensory growths almost like many whiskers around on the top of their head. Some people think this is really strange but its fascinating to me, the females have much fewer bristles or none at all. Bristlenose Plecos will mind their own business and are easy to care for. They work hard when grazing for algae. And they come in two color forms; the natural brown mottled coloration and a very pretty 'gold' version. There is even a long-finned variety.

Its true some species of sucker fish will readily attack slow moving fish if given half a chance. The species I've mentioned are much more docile than most, however, any fish whose main diet consists of algae of course may bother the fish in a desperate attempt to keep from starving if all the algae in the tank is gone.

Of course, we don't want any of our fish starving so be sure when the algae is gone that you do provide romaine lettuce and zucchini. When its made to sink down onto the bottom with a rock and rubberband (or use a lettuce clip)  at least a few times a week Bristlenose or ottos will greatly appreciate this, and keep in mind that feeding your algae-eaters won't make them lazy and not want to graze for algae. Goldfish also love lettuce and other vegetables so they will benefit from these feedings as well as the algae eaters.

You can also buy algae wafers/tablets from your local petstore. These can be supplemented with fresh vegetables. And, again, your goldfishies will love them too!

I really hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions!!
Best of luck with your beautiful goldfish tank!