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Adding Fish To My Freshwater Tank

23 15:40:04


My Tank
Hi Jaymie,
   My name is Jason and I currently have a 30-Gal. tank and inside it I have around 7 Zebra Danios and about 4 Neon Tetras.  I have about 2 medium sized decorations in there and 1 that is larger and connects to the air hose and blows bubbles.
My cousin is about to move soon and has a 55-Gal. tank with 2 Comet Goldfish (about 2-3 inches long) added probably 3 weeks ago, 1 snail, 1 Dojo Loach ( about maybe 4 inches long ), and 1 Pleco (about 4 inches long too).  The problem is that he cannot take the fish with him when he moves and wanted me to have them and I was wondering if it would be safe for me to add his fish into my 30-Gal. tank with the fish I have in there now?
He said that his fish haven't shown any signs of aggression towards each other and I haven't noticed any of my fish acting that way either.  
So if you could just let me know if it would be safe to add his fish into my tank that would be great! And I also uploaded a picture as well. Thanks!

- Jason B.


No it is not a good idea and here is why. Your tank is tropical, your cousins is cold water. The Danios and Tetras are tropical fish needing a heater. The goldfish is a cold water fish and require no heater as is the Dojo Loach. Some people say you can have a pleco with goldfish but they too are tropical.