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crayfish aka lobsters

23 16:28:49

I was wondering if you knew anything about lobsters or crayfish
I tried to google it but couldn't find the right answer.
I noticed you own a pet store so im best asking you.
I have two blue iridescent lobsters and they got into a fight. they are both about 5 to 6 inches long and the slightly bigger one pinched off the other lobsters pincher claw.... I was wondering if they grow those back, i have him quarantined in another tank right now with his own hiding space, wondering if you have any tips...

Hi Dean;

They are very territorial so they can't be with their own kind. They do regrow their legs and claws if they are lost or torn off in fights. Just keep their tanks clean and watch for the injured one to start to grow back a new claw as it sheds it's hard exoskeleton periodically. They each need at least a 20 gallon tank to give them room to exercise and wander around.

There a couple of possibilities that I know of as to which ones you have. One comes from the USA and the other from Australia. Here are web pages with info about those and perhaps you can tell the difference by the photos;

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins