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molly losing fin

23 16:55:52

Hello. I just set up a new tank about a month ago and I have a few mollies and two guppies. One of my mollies, (i'm not sure what kind she is, but she's a red orange color and not a balloon molly) part of her back fin and top fin are missing. I noticed the back fin and thought it was normal but today I noticed her top fin was a bit funny looking and to swim she sort of wobbles side to side with her whole body, I think its because she missing her top fin. I have one female balloon molly that chases around all the other fish but she doesn't seem to be violant enough to hurt any of them. But with the new tank and new fish my tank was attacked by ich three days ago. I bought rid-ich and have been putting it in the water with a 25% water change every day for only two days now. I don't know if the stress is hurting her, or maybe the medication. She is not yet infected with ich and I'm not sure what to do to help her poor fins. could it be fin rot? Or could it be my mean balloon mollie. All the other fish fins are fine. Also, my nitrite is high, but thats because the tank is new. And i've added some salt to the water. the tank is at 82 degrees. Whats wrong?

Hey Tiffany,
im so sorry about how long this took to answer, i was having serous computer trouble for the past few weeks and i can finally get online again.
It could be fin rot and it could be the other female. It's pretty unlikely that a balloon molly female would be so agressive, but it is possible to get an agressive indvidual. If you want to see if any bullying goes on when you aren't looking, turn the tank light on and the light in the room the tank is in off, so the room is completely black. That way, the tank is lit up and you can see them but they can't see you. sit in a corner and watch the tank. You will see what your fish do when you aren't around. Fish always just stare out at you when they see you because seeing you means food, so they don't act up.

They have medication that helps to heal damaged fins, so check your pet store next time you go.
The ich meds shouldnt hurt her any further becuase fish with ich have injured fins, and it doesn't hurt their fins. I would wait until the ich clears up to get fin rot meds, but it's not a bad idea to use the fin rot medicine after the ich clears just to be sure. Fin rot spreads VERY quickly and if it is fin rot, she will die fairly quick from it and then the other fish will catch it right away.

everything you are doing with your tank setup is correct (how you are using the ich meds, your temp, adding salt, etc.) so it shouldn't be anything you are doing wrong. I also don't think the problem is the nitrite.

I hope this helps you out and it isnt too late. Hopefully she gets healed up and your ich clears away nicely.
Best Wishes, Chelsey