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missing mollyes

23 16:08:21

QUESTION: first off we have a 45 or 55 gal high tank. we used to have 2 parrot fish in the tank. they were old and died. So we went to the pet store to get a new parrot fish. At the pet store they had mollyes and parrots in the same tank. So we though cool we can add mollyes to the tank also.(to give it color) so we ended up geting a small parrot fish and 4 mollyes and a med to small pleco. After getting home and putting the fish i droped a few tropical flakes in to feed the mollyes. went away for 45 mins and came back to 3 missing mollyes. What i was wondering was if the parrot fish could eat them. (i'm sure they could) and if so are there any signs of this? (other than missing fish) and what could cause the parrot fish to eat the mollyes. the tank is large enough for all of them and they were in the tank at the petstore. so i'm kinds at a loss. also do you think the pleco would be find in the tank now. he's about or maybe a little smaller (not by much) as the parrot fish. so far they haven't gone at it. i still can't find any signs of the mollyes got eaten. Also if they got eaten what would you sugest i put in with the parrot? at this point i'm ready to put my dinosour eel with it and have them duke it out. it just pissed me off he possably ate 3 mollys in 45 mins

ANSWER: Hi Chris,
My parrot fish has eaten fish quite easily before. And usually there will be no signs and it'll be a "clean kill". Its possible the parrots are responsible but before you lay the blame on them completely make sure you check every nook and cranny in your tank and all possible hiding places in case they are hidden somewhere. ;-)

The pleco should be completely safe--few fish bother plecos. And I think he'll do fine in your tank, it will probably take him a few years reach 12 inches and the 45/55 will still be OK although it'd be better if it was a 75 gal when he does gets that big (for more turning room).

Even though my parrot fish has eaten little fish before, surprisingly, he lives very very peacefully with Danios, Tetras like Lemon tetras and black skirts, Bloodfin tetras, Rainbowfish, Angelfish, Gouramis and even a neon! Of course barbs and corydoras are also compatible. I think it helps a lot if the fish are raised with each-other, then they tend to not consider one another just another meal.

I hope this helps!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well thanks for the info. The pleco didn't live. the parrot got at it. it died in another fish tank today due to injurys. as for tank mates. would this fish work?


we just for the Firemouth Cichlid hoping that will work but not sure. we also have the Gray bichir and would love to throw him in there but don't want to get him eaten. please let me know if any or all this fish will work together. remember i have a parrot fish that is kinda agressive

ANSWER: Wow, I'm sorry to hear about the pleco. Are you sure your fish is a parrot fish? I'm starting to think maybe he is something completely different because it is completely out of ordinary for parrot fish to be so vicious. lol!

Firemouths should mix well with most other similar sized and tempered fish. The Dinosaur eel is a risk as with adding any new fish. If he is too large to be eaten and has some hiding places then it should be OK. But don't mark my word. If that parrot did enough damage to the pleco the dinosaur eel might be nothing for his extreme territorial issues.

In the end, your parrot may only get along with himself. Or only with much larger bossy cichlids.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!

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QUESTION: ugent!!!! i just add the firemouth. well the parrot is going after it alot. is that normal? i'm kinda new to agressive fish. looks like the firemouth is runing and hiding ok. think he will be ok? or do i need to take him out. both fish are about the same size but you never know

Oh no!!!

The parrot chasing the firemouth is likely a territorial issue going on. You see, once cichlids are by themselves in a tank they may immediately claim the -entire- tank space as their territory and no fish is allowed whatsoever.

Unfortunately I feel the Parrot fish may continue chasing the firemouth and will likely keep him in hiding all the time. One thing cichlid keepers sometimes try is to re-arrange the tank decor around to confuse territory marks. Some people even take the "aggressive fish" out for a couple of days and return him later. These methods -might- work but its never guaranteed, cichlids are tricky and always unpredictable.

Lucky your firemouth can hide OK.  But I'm afraid if the parrot is absolutely relentless in chasing the firemouth either he will do damage to him or forever keep the poor little fish in hiding all his life.

Best of luck! I honestly have never heard of such an aggressive parrot before.