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Ryukin Tail Damage

23 15:22:24

I have had a female Ryukin Goldfish for 4 years now. 3 weeks ago I intoduced 2 new black moors to the tank. About 2 weeks ago I noticed one of the moors chasing the other 2 relentlessly and realized he was a male.
The 2 females were exhausted so I separated the male in a floating tank. The 2 females recovered.
Today I took a look at my Ryukin and noticed that the edge of her tail is now freyed, no doubt from the male moor.
I was wondering if her tail will heal back to normal or if this is permanent damage?

Pamela,  Now that they are growing they may have outgrown that tank. They are not super territorial fish but they do like their room. I would also feed less at a time more times a day. Don't forget your cracked frozen peas once a week (don't forget to remove shells later). It is unusual for them to get that aggressive after being together so long. Male Mors reach sexual maturity about three years that could be it also. You could try changing the tank around abit and making  them choose new territory. You know they have personality so all you can do is see what happens and hope you don't have to get another tank. : ( The tail may heal up all the way it depends on how much damage was done it may heal fine or it may always show some signs of damage. Also, they love oranges. You can get a clip with a suction cup from the petshop often called veggie clips and put a slice of orange in there meat out once a week. Good Luck, Tina