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Tropical fish compatibility

23 16:40:53

Hi Rachel, I am new to 'modern' tropical fish keeping and I would like to ask a question related to the following

I see, on one of your replies that the following fish are compatible with guppies:
'Small tetras: Neons, Cardinals, Glowlight, Lemon, Black phantom, and Harlequin rasboras, Zebra danios, leopard danios, Cherry barbs, corydoras catfish, bristlenose plecos, Hatchet fish, otocinclus catfish and Dwarf gouramis.'

The answer might be obvious, but would that indicate that, in general, any fish shown in a compatible list would be compatible with any of the others in the same list?


Yes, all the fish are compatible with each other except I would only have one gourami per tank, as the males cane fight. Also keep only one type of catfish per tank. For example if you have the otocinclus catfish dont add any corys, and vice versa. I would recommend the corys as they are more happy little fish and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Other than that the fish should work just fine together. However, as with all other fish there are some rebel fish whom will try to rule the entire tank, even in neons. If this happens simply remove the bully and take him back and let the friendly ones co-habitate in harmony. Enjoy! Let me know if you need more help.