Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white spots on the body,fin and tails.

white spots on the body,fin and tails.

23 16:40:54

how can i cure this disease i notice that the day i bought my flower horn he does not have those thing and then few days after he has white spot can you help or give me some advice on how to cure it and give some alternatives for aquarisol because my local pet store don't have it.have a good day, godbless

The white spots are a disease/parasite called ICK. It can be treated but it is hard to tell whether the fish will survive, it depends on the degree of stress the fish is under. However,no matter how stressed the fish is you have to treat it or it will surely die. Just go to the fish store and find any treatment that says it covers ICK. Be sure to follow the directions exactly including dose and water change requirements. Let me know if you have more questions.