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Help switching tanks!

23 16:48:29

Hi Stephanie,
I'm moving my 5 inch Oscar from a 10 gal baby tank (i know) to a 37 gal. I was wondering what would be the best way to transfer him to the big tank. I'm concerned about the tank not being cycled when i put him in. I have it all set up and the water has been filtering for two days now.
You help would be appreciated!


The best wat to transfer your Oscar to the new tank is a net. Buy a larger net so that he can fit comfortably in it and won't be able to jump out.

As for the cycling of your tank, there are a couple things you can do to help establish the new tank. First off, you can sprinkle a layer of your old gravel onto your new gravel. The old gravel will have beneficial bacteria on it. You can also add the water from your ten gallon into your new tank. You may also want to rinse your filter media from your new filter in a bucket of aquarium water from your old tank. All these things will help carry some of the beneficial bacteria from your old tank to your new one.

I hope this helps.
