Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white molly

white molly

23 16:48:30

My white molly is swimming with her tail up and her head down toward the gravel. Do you know what this is about? She has been doing this for a day now. Do you know what is going on with her?

Hi Judith
Sounds like it's a swim bladder problem.  Could be from a few causes, constipation, bacterial infection, poor water quality, etc.

If you can, move her to a separate tank and add some salt, 1 teaspoon per 1 US gallon.  Either way if you can move her or not, feed her nothing but a shelled pea, just split it open and feed her the insides.  You can do this with all the fish, it won't hurt them.  Feed nothing but the pea for 3 days.  Usually that takes care of the problem.  Also, do an immediate water change, make sure the new water temperature is close to the tank water temperature.  That should help if it's a water quality issue.

Hope that helps and good luck!  Let me know if you have more questions.
