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Please help. I have a 45 gallon...

25 9:19:54

Please help. I have a 45 gallon tank 2 oscars. I have 2 filters and still algee and cloudy water, after a water change, What can i do? How can i stop algee growth, what can i feed them?


Don't worry algae growth is totally natural and hard to stop. If you are feeding your fish any algae based food, that could be causing extra algae or cloudy water. Other then that, scrub you glass with an algae pad, syphon your gravel, continue 10% water changes weekly and possibly but a algae eater, although this is not necessary.

About the cloudy water, check your chemicals to make sure they do not say 'may cause cloudy water'. If they do, you can leave it cloudy or try to find a new product with similar features that won't cloud water. Make sure you are changing water and have an active filter that is cleaned frequently.

Hope this helps!

From Stephanie