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Freshwater Female Angelfish swollen belly not eating

25 9:18:26

Hi I have a 3 year old female marble angelfish. Her mate died a month ago, but was removed from the tank much earlier.  In the past two weeks I've noticed a change. Her stomach is really swollen, and she is breathing really fast, and stays at top of tank.  She was eating but in the past 4 days has stopped.  She shows no signs of external problems. I thought it might be constipation or egg bound, and added epsom salt for a few days, but did not work.  I read a few internet explanations, that she could have developed an internal bacterial infect and yesterday added medicine for internal bacterial problems.  This morning no change, she is really breathing fast and still swollen and hanging out at top of tank, but not near the heater.  No exernal change, no clamping.  She has a new male in the tank and at first she was flirting with him, and I thought maybe it would encourage her to release possible eggbound eggs, but she shows not interest in the slate.  I am at a loss.. I know meds. can take a few days to work.. but could I be wrong and it is not bacterial but rather internal parasite?  I don't want to overdoes the tank with different meds?  Any ideas would be appreciated.

Hi Lisa!

I'm sorry to hear about your male angelfish's passing.... I have a few thoughts about what could be wrong with your girl. First she may, in fact, have some internal bacterial infection which affects the kidneys causing swelling and the fish will be listless and go off their food. Infections like this are almost always a sign of poor water quality... How often do you change water? and how much? Changing more than 40-50% of her water at least every two days or so would help a lot. Remember to be SURE to dechlorinate the replacement water properly and equalize the temperature as close as you can possibly get it.
If she is constipated, (as a precaution in case she is) feed her frozen green peas...Thawed and shelled, this will help clear her out really well if this is the case. It may take a few days of feeding the completely clear her out. if she will eat it at all...
I hope it isn't water pollution causing her to gasp and not feel good. Try changing 50% of her water to see if that helps.

My best advice is to change half of her water, continue witht the salt, try giving her peas twice a day (It may be best to stick the pea on the end of a blunt toothpick and handfeed it to her) and use a broad spectrum antibiotic especially for internal infections (MARDEl products are good but can continue using what you have now). It is so important to change her water during medication treatment, don't forget this important aspect of fishkeeping!

I would say give her about a week to see how she does with the treatment to try to get her to eat, try offering her thawed frozen brineshrimp to tempt her appettite. Until we see how she reacts and how she improves with about a week worth of treatment it is uncertain what illness she might have. This is best step in her situation.

I hope she improves, it makes me sad to hear she is so ill. Let me know how she does!

I wish you the best and Happy fishkeeping!
Karen~ (I adore angelfish! I have four little beauties).