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bettas and frogs

23 16:08:04

QUESTION: Hi Karen. I have a 2.5 gallon tank without a filter but with a heater. I just recently moved my betta from my main tank where he was not getting on well. At first he seemed happy, he was exploring and made a big bubble nest, but now he just stays still for most of the day and dosn't seem to want to eat.
  I'm not sure, but is it because he is lonely? He was used to having alot of other fish around him. I want to get him another fish to play with. I was thinking of 2 female bettas, that means the betta won't only pick on 1, would there be enough space for that? I was also thinking about dwarf frogs, but unsure of how many i could fit in there?
  Can you please tell me what is the best way to go? Or is there any other solution?

Some bettas will go into a "depression" mode which sometimes we just can't figure out. First though, I would make sure his water quality is OK. Ideally you would test it and make sure the ammonia and nitrites are both safely ZERO and nitrates are under 20. I would do a water change just to be on the safe side. How is his water temp? Make sure its warm enough.

I think I would do a couple of partial water changes on him, make sure his temp is warm (perhaps raise it a degree or so if its that type that you can adjust) and make sure he has a plant or two to swim through or rest on. Bettas seem to enjoy environments where they can explore plants are always a big hit with them, be careful to avoid plastic plants because these always seem to have rough edges that snag a betta's fins. Live plants like Anacharis, Java moss, Java fern, water sprite or silk plants are best.

Keep in mind he -could- go into territory mode and start attacking any "intruder" you add to his tank. But since your betta just recently lived in a tank with other fish I assume he would probably accept a new comer alright allowing for the usual occasional flare and mild bluffing that bettas often display.

Since the tank doesn't have a filter you'll have to be very careful with the water quality. You don't want to have a stew of pollution due to too many animals in one setup. A frog might be OK. But I might stick to something like some ghost shrimp. I am very leery of keeping two females with 1 male in a 2.5 gallon. Its very likely he will kill them, as bad as it sounds.

But try giving him some plants and such and also let him flare and dance around in front of a mirror for a few minutes everyday, it can help relieve some of their boredom. Another option is if you got another male betta or even a female and put them in a tank right beside your male. They'd interact that way. But its best to put a piece of paper or cardboard for some of the time between the two tanks to prevent them from "getting use to each other" and remove it for a few minutes each day.

I hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your long and detailed answer. I have actually got 3 silk plants and the tempreture is set at 22 degrees. Would it be a good idea to use a divider and get another betta?

Hello again and you're welcome!

I've divided bettas before in a 2.5 gallon with pretty good results, just be careful no fish has any possible way to get to the other. For example slipping between the side of the tank and the divider, ect...

Best of luck as always!