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My betta is still sick

23 16:57:54

I have a male betta and I noticed that he had what I think was fin rot when I bought him from the pet store.  I also think that he has clumped fins because they are not all spread out, they look a little like a thick ruffle.  I noticed that he also has changed colors under his "face" for lack of a better term, which is now pale.  My betta, Oscar, sometimes darts around and frantically moves around the rocks in his tank (1 gal bowl trying to keep temp up to at least 70/72). I have just changed his tank to a 2 gal aquarium that has a light to help keep the temperature up, but I am not suppose to keep it on all the time.  I tried at first to treat Oscar with antibiotics (Tetracycline and Triple sulfa) but stopped because it looked as though it made him worse (that's when he actually started turning pale).  I try to keep the water in the tank conditioned and I test it at every change (once a week).  I put a little Fungus Eliminator in, along with a small touch of sea salt and Aqua Sol.  Oscars been sick for a couple of months now and I truly want him to get better.  He used to blow his little bubbles at the top of his tank and now he rarely blows his bubbles and they are few.  Please help!!

Dear Sheila,
So sorry that your betta is not feeling well. I know how that can be.  Bettas have to endure so much bad water quality in the pet stores that when we do get them they sometimes have a hard time recovering. I used to always  try to rescue the really sick ones that were in dirty water, from a well known discount store and it would take alot of work to help them get better.  It sounds like you have done well so far trying to help your betta.  They do like their temperature to be somewhat warmer--high 70's would be better if possible.  Keep changing his water and adding really good water conditioner--it would be good if you could buy the brands that also control the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates along with neutralizing the chlorine and chloramine in the water.  You could also try adding a plant to his tank  if you haven't already. Be sure not to add a plastic one since their fins are delicate and if they swim around the plant it can tear their fins.  Either use live plants or the silk type that are softer and won't damage their fins. Java fern is a good live plant. Usually they will improve if they continue to have good water quality and regular water changes.  If he still seems to be having problems and you are making sure his water meets all his requirements, then you could try using  Melafix in his water.  Most pet stores have this and it is a more natural healing medication and has worked on some fish illnesses for me. Sometimes, it is harder on them when you use too many different medications. Try these things I mentioned and see if he feels any better. Best of luck.
Hope this helps!