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Whats a water hyacinth

23 15:37:39


Whole tank
Renee, you answered my last question and told me about getting a water hyacinth. What is that? And its impossible for me to get a pond, so i need Top Tank Tips. Should i try to make my goldfish spawning mop float instead of stay at the bottom of the tank. By the way I'm a starter with fish. iv never kept 7 in a big tank ever before. Thanks for answering me and my annoying questions!

Come springtime, or summertime, you will see them for sale on Ebay and in pond supply stores.  They are floating plants.  I would buy only one. The goldfish loooove breeding under the leaves.

As to the breeding issues, the tank is not large enough to accomodate that many goldfish, and they will probably not breed in it with the size.  Have you considered a larger aquarium?  

Goldfish rule of thumb is 5 gallons per fish.

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas.  
