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keeping fish alive !

23 16:57:55

My 8 year old bought a Bata after Christmas, he lived for 1 week. The following week he got 3 more, this time a "Bug eyed" fish and 2 gold fish. One week later the 2 gold fish died and the "BugEyed" fish was still alive. 1 week after that the other fish died also.  Is this just a freek of nature or is there something wrong with the fish when we get them?   Now we have 2 more Bata's . But My daughter has had a Bata since Christmas and he is doing fine. They are in the same water, different tanks. She has had no problem with hers. Was wondering if you could help me!  My 8 years old son is getting a complex from this!... We may have to get a puppy if these die!  Thanks Tracy

Hi Tracy;

Poor little guy! Pretty tough in such a short period of time. Let's see if we can figure out what's going on so your son can keep his fish happy and healthy. Especially since fish don't potty on the floor or chew up your shoes! ;-)

Bettas are pretty hardy little guys but they do have certain specific needs. They need a tank of at least 1 gallon each. Bettas have been kept in smaller tanks, but they really don't do their best and must have their water changed several times a week. Even better is a tank of 5 to 10 gallons. They also need warm tropical water of 76f and higher, and for the water to be changed at least once a week. Replace 25% of the water weekly if the tank has a filter, replace 100% weekly if there is no filter. If those basic needs are not met they will not do well. If there is no heater in the tank, the water will be about what the room temperature is. So, unless your house is very warm all the time, 24 hours a day, he may be too cold. Here is a web page about them and their needs;

Goldfish are very messy guys that get big. VERY big, about 6 to 8 inches not including tails. Each goldfish needs 10 gallons all to himself and good filtration. For 3 goldfish to do well and grow to be adults you would need a 30 to 55 gallon tank. Here is more about goldfish and their needs;

Let me know if you have more questions...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins