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Tank Divide for Bettas

23 16:57:55

Hi I'm interesting in dividing my 5 gallon Eclipse tank for another beta. It has a bio wheel and carbon filter along with a small heater. My idea is to buy a piece of plexi glass and drill holes in it to allow the water and not the fish to pass through. Is this a safe idea or should I just get a couple of other beta friendly fish to add to the tank? If so could you possibly suggest some beta friendly fish? Thanks for your time

Dear Nicole,
The divider should be fine as long as there is good water flow through the plexi glass.  If you decide to add other fish with your betta instead of the divider there are a few that you could try.  Small fish such as cherry barbs, neon tetras or possibly platies.  Just be sure to carefully observe them just in case there are problems.  Sometimes, bettas get along great with other fish and sometimes they don't.  It really just depends on your fish's personality.  The same goes for the fish you add. Even though some fish are labeled as "peaceful" they can still be troublemakers if they decide to. Just keep an eye on everyone in case there are any conflicts. Best of luck!
Hope this Helps!