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angel fish - not very aggressive...

23 16:39:45

Karen -
I have a somewhat new 30 gallon tank. It has a variety of more aggressive fish: Tiger Barbs, Cherry Barbs, green Barbs and two parrot fish (that hide...). I was told that angel fish would do OK, but with two dead and two more being picked on, I think I was not told the truth. Can you confirm that there's no way this will work?  I'm thinking of trying to rapidly set up a 10 gallon tank so they can stay, but not sure I can keep them alive that long. The water is still not at zero nitrites, but is 0.5 - 1 (patience is not my strong point), and headed down, but I think the barbs, not the water are the killers...

Thanks for taking the time to spread knowledge!

Hi Scott,
Actually Angelfish probably aren't the best companions for your other fish as you have found out. Tiger barbs will often nip their fins to shreds and could certainly stress them or kill them.  It could actually be a combination of both the presence of nitrites and the aggressive barbs. Its best to leave Angelfish out of your setup. They do best with other small peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, and similar quiet fish.

Be careful because your nitrite levels can be dangerous for fish. I wouldn't add anymore fish for now and work on getting your tank cycled. You could lose your fish if you aren't careful. 50% Water changes can really help if the nitrite levels get too high or if your fish seemed stressed. You can also use a water conditioner like Amquel+ to help neutralize ammonia and nitrite.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!