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My 3 HUGE comets are dying

23 15:40:28

HELP!!!!I hope that it is not too late...I have 3 (between 6-9 inch) Sarasa Comets(have had for 4 years) in a 55G tank. They were hearty, thriving and wonderful UNTIL 4 days ago and me putting ALGAEFIX into the tank...OMG what a train wreck and avalanche I have started!!!! They were thrashing and "flashing", violently!!!They are hanging on by a thread now.  The Ammonia is off the roof...the PH was off,(alittle better now)...I have white cloudy smelly water. I have trusted advice from PETSMART, and Fishy no avail. I know that I am extremely impatient because I don't want to lose my fish!!!! I almost lost one today...He was on the bottom not breathing, on his side, clamped fins.  I put Ammo-lock in to hopefully save did, he's o:k,  not alot better. I have changed 20-25% of the water two days in a row now but Ammonia is still extremely high. I am desperate now and hope that I will see my fish in the morning alive...I am thinking about doing a 100% water change tomorrow and putting them in a large cooler until I get the water right??? HELP, any answers will be appreciated. P.S. I am using Alkaline neutralizer, Water Conditioner( every water bucket change), Aquarium Salt, and Ammo-Lock (24 hrs),  
Mother To 3 Huge Gorgeous Comets

Hi Sand,
You are actually amoung many others that has this problem with AlgaeFix.  This product should be discontinued due to so many bad reviews about it being harmful to fish.  To reduce algae, you just either lower the light wattage, or lessen the photoperiod.  

you did the right thing by doing the partial water changes.  Anything to lower the ammonia or lessen the algaefix medication will be helpful.  The only way to remove ammonia is by doing a water change.  If food goes in a tank, something else must come out.  Doesnt work if you add food, and add something else to lock the ammonia.  Kind of get what I mean?  What goes in, must come out.  

Right now, I suggest you do a large water change.  Maybe not 100% but anything close like 80% or 90%.  Do you have a liquid test kit that measures ammonia nitrite and nitrate?  Strips are inaccurate and should not be used.  Ammonia and nitrite should never be more than 1ppm.  Nitrate should never be more than 40ppm.

Ammonia Lock only causes ammonia particles to clump together, therefore "lowering" the readings, but they are still in there.  Alkaline neutralizer I have never heard of.  But all you only need is water conditioner.  The aquarium salt is optional because it can be used to add electrolytes into the water to relieve stress.  

Let me know if you need anything else.