Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Discus fish condition getting worse

Discus fish condition getting worse

23 15:40:03

Hi I replied to an answer earlier today saying that my discus fish was on
the mend.
Well in the hour or so since that, he/she has started listing and has a little
control over his/her body. Cyan(the fish) lies on his or her side and has
been eating although now has some fungus above his/her eyes. One of
the balls of fungus has some red stuff on it, could this be blood????
I just don't know what to do anymore but my other discus (Bandit) stays
beside Cyan but can't get to him/her because of a divider put in the tank.
His/her breathing is slow and Cyan, when he/ she does swim now, he/she
kind of bucks like a horse! What is going on here?
We are also thinking of getting some more discus to be in a shoal with the
two I have. Is buying online a sensible option? Any new discus that we
buy will be moved to a large 105L tank.
Please help, I don't want little Cyan to die!!!!!


 If the divider allows any water from one side to get to the other then you might have a problem with the fish that is not showing signs of illness yet. The sick fish needs to be removed and placed in your hospital tank as soon as you can. What color is this fungus on your fish? Give me as much information as you can so that I can help you get him better. I will wait to hear back from you. Also, it is really important if you can get me a picture of the sick fish and post it in your response.