Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > peacock eels

peacock eels

23 16:02:55

QUESTION: I have a 20 gallon fish tank with 5 tiger barbs, and 2 rosy barbs(one of which just died).  The tank has been running with a 115 volt filter for about a month and I was wondering if I could put a peacock eel in the tank?

ANSWER: Hi Forrest,

While the eel would be compatible with the barbs your tank isn't large enough.  You need at least a 30 gallon tank (peacock eels grow to be 15 inches!) and you really should keep all barbs in same species schools of 4-6+, with 6+ being optimal to avoid aggression and fin nipping of tank mates.

You also need to make sure that your tank is completely cycled before you add anything else.  At the month point you nay still be having trouble with ammonia and nitrites.  I would test them immediately (may be what killed your barb).

Good luck : ) April M.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Are there any other eels that i could put in the tank after all of the cycles are done?

ANSWER: Hi Forrest,

Sorry, your tank is too small for eels.  The smaller of the spiny eels gets to 12 inches and moray eels are even longer.  If you want the look of an eel try a black kuhli loach or two.  You will have to upgrade your tank size if you want some eels.

Good luck : ) April M.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about a Dragon Goby?  Would it get too big, would it be compatable with the barbs, and do they act like eels when it comes to hiding in rocks and things like that?

Hi Forrest,

Most goby require a brackish set up and this is something that your barbs will not tolerate.  The prehistoric can be attempted to be kept in freshwater although I don't think he would do very good and he gets larger than the eel at a whopping two feet.  Most goby fish will get large like this and require at least a 50 gallon tank.

I'm afraid the smaller loaches are the only thing 'eel like' that you'll be able to keep in the size tank that you have.

Good luck : ) April M.