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freshwater gar

23 16:23:51

I have two young gar that I purchased around December.  This is my first time to raise live food eaters.  Therefore, I was uncertain about how to maintain my tank.  My tank is 120 gallons and I have had it set up for 10 years.  I have never had a problem except for the occasional fish dying.  Several days ago, my 2 bottom feeders died, both on the same day.  Then the gars started acting strange.  We did a 1/2 tank water change and one of the gars started having a seizure.  i thought he had died but he came back.  Now he is acting like he has nerve damage.  He gulps for air and looks bloated.  He can't seem to keep his whole body under water.  What could possibly be wrong?  The other gar is fine and has resumed eating.  I have medicated the water with an antibiotic and put in stress  medicine.  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Lori

Hi Lori,
Did you make sure all new water was dechlorinated with a good water conditioner? That's the best thing I can think of as to why the fish would react so badly. Can you test your water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?

I wouldn't keep medicating because you cannot be sure what your fish have exactly. And medicating when you don't know what it is can do more harm than good.

If you have any water conditioner, add some right now but by all means try to test your water if you can. Maybe there was even something wrong with your tap water. It wouldn't hurt to test your tap water either.

I'm sorry to hear about your fish. I hope they recover.
Best wishes and let me know how your fish are doing,