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RO Water or Tap

23 16:08:28

Recently my retailer suggested I switch from RO to tap conditioned with Prime by Seachem, for the minerals in the tap. I have been using RO in my 46 gal tanks with no problems. any thought which is better? Thanks, Joe

In my experience, I've always heard that regular tap water was always best BECAUSE it has the vitamins and mineral necessary for the fish to thrive. They may be "OK" in the RO water, but in the long run, it's better to just use tap water.  You can reconstitute it, but then you have to decide if it's really worth it.  

I use Prime myself and I wouldn't use anything else, so good choice there.

I found a good article about it and I'm sure there are more like this one if you were to go and look.  I hope it helps.

Good luck.